Saturday, March 20, 2010

Potluck at KLCC park (Circle K activities)

Hey all, how ur weekend?
Assignment? Dealing with those irritating article? Or chilling outside?
Actually I’m suppose to do my online disscusion.. but really BEH TAHAN..
The words make me so sleepy.. L
So, dat the time to update my blog…

Recently me & Fanny joined a club call Circle K, mainly bring those homeless children to visit some places & prepare some games for them to play.. bside that, there have several activities such as potluck, installation night, bowling competition etc..
Sound interesting so I joined the 1st event of the year..^^
Yesterday, the potluck event at KLCC Park with 25 children from newly adopted home (MSO, Cheras), age ranges around 11-13 years old..
There are bout 10 members from Circle K taking part.. each of us have to taking care 2 of the kids, including have our own slogan, bring them play around, and make sure they wont go further place alone. Okie, I forget 2 of my kids name, and sometimes I jst leave my kids behide and busy ss-ing.. (irresponsible mum) hahaha… but my 2 kids are very nice & hyperactive, jump around & keep nagging me help them take pictures. They also win some of the games that we prepared. 1 of my kids can dance quite well, even can make the Micheal Jackson pose infront everyone.. Mum proud of u two… hahahahaha.. Having our lunch (nasi lemak & brownies) there and I even have a short discussion bout how to be a good mummy with other members.. lol! We even discuss wan to give birth in future or adopt a kids after we get married.. Sound funny, abit out of topic rite? Hahaha.. but yet, is a good experience..
Ryan Ho: I’m thinking of u when we was taking bout this topic. Thanks for giving me to watch that disgusting video, it still so fresh in my mind although I jst watch bout 10 second..^^

算不算本小姐做善事啊?哈哈哈,好像有点怪怪的感觉。连我儿子和lemon这两个大男人都这样批评我说太不像我的风格,太阳快从西边出来了~ 有那么夸张吗?我有那么不讲人情味吗?我有那么坏吗?我有那么没良心吗?可恶~ 不过,既然他们这样批评我,我也该反省下,都做点善事!做善事,心情好,人也跟着高兴起来…^^
This are the pictures taken from my hp, more wil b upload in facebook soon…
the MSO kids.
3rd boy standing on d left & 3rd boy standing on the right, they are my!!
not forget to take a picture there. well, look weird rite? cause rapheal keep say i short.. :<


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